1. The edition reviews all materials sent to the journal with the purpose of their expertise, if they correspond to the journal’s research fields. All reviewers are respected specialists in fields of their knowledge and have their own publications issued within last 3 years, which are close to themes of articles to be reviewed.
2. The edition sends the authors of the research materials copies of the review reports or a motivated refusal, and assumes the obligation to send copies of the review reports to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation in case of an official request.
3. The journal’s editor-in-chief checks the correspondence of the article to the thematic subject of the journal, the meeting of technical requirements and sends them to be reviewed by a specialist, who may be either a Doctor or a Candidate of Sciences, who works in the sphere closest to the theme of the article to be qualified. The articles’ expertise is a single blind review, when the author’s name is known to the reviewer, but the reviewer’s name is hidden. The single blind review is organized for every research paper in two forms:
- reviewing of the articles by the minimum of three members of the editorial board and the editorial staff of the edition;
- external peer reviewing of the articles by leading academic researchers in a corresponding sphere of knowledge, by string correspondents of the edition, who don’t act on behalf of the journal’s editorial board or editorial staff, who together comprise a structure of the institute of external expertise of research materials in the journal.
4. The review report is to include:
- the justification of the contents of the article and its topic;
- the correspondence of the article to the achievements of the modern scientific and theoretical thought;
- the academic novelty of the article;
- the technical design (tables, schemes, diagrams, etc.) and the writing style of the research;
- the expedience of the article with regard to other publications that have been issued earlier and that are close by their subject of the research;
- the advantageous and disadvantageous points of the research, what corrections and additions can be made by the author;
- the conclusion, if the material is to be or not to be published in the journal: “is recommended to be published”, “is recommended to be published after making corrections marked by the reviewer” and “is not recommended for publication”.
5. The journal’s administrative worker lets the author of the research material know not later than seven days that the article is receive by the editor’s office, and defines terms of reviewing of the article and making conditions for the most qualified publication procedure.
6. The authorship of the review reports is verified according to the rules of a place of employment of the reviewers.
7. If the article is not recommended for publication by the reviewer, the editor’s office sends the author a motivated refusal.
8. If the review report recommends the article for publication, it is not a final decision for the material to be published. The decision about the practicability of publishing the material is done by the journal’s editorial board, and then the author is notified about the time terms of publishing of the article.
9. The originals of the review reports are kept in the editor’s office during 5 years.
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